Delhi To Witness The ‘Super Blue Blood Moon’ Tonight!
We often use the phrase ‘Once in a blue moon’, well guess what? Tonight Delhi can witness that ‘blue moon!
Tonight, Delhi will witness a rare Super Moon, and the Blue Moon, which is incidentally also coinciding with the Total Lunar Eclipse!
This phenomenon is known as the ‘Lunar Trifecta‘ and Indians will get to witness this glorious sight today!
For India, the eclipse will start around 5:18 PM IST and will be at its peak at 6:21 PM and remain at the same position till 7:37 PM. Once the total eclipse ends, the moon will slowly come out of the shadow of the Earth causing a partial eclipse which will end around 8:41 PM.
For those who do not know much about the ‘Lunar Trifecta’, here are a few facts!
A Blue Moon is when the full moon coincides with the moon’s closest orbit point and can be viewed as 14% larger than usual and 30% brighter too, from the Earth. It is referred to as the ‘Blue Moon’ is because it is the second Lunar Eclipse during a month!
This January 31 event is a “Super blue blood moon” is because this will also be a total lunar eclipse when the satellite has a reddish tinge to it. Thus the Supermoon has become a “super blue blood moon.”
In India, the last Blue Moon and a full lunar eclipse happened 35 years back and so we surely won’t miss this ‘Once in a blue moon’ opportunity!
You wouldn’t even need special binoculars to view this, the magic of the Lunar Trifecta can be enjoyed with the naked eye as well!
Read the whole story here.
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