Display Of Non-Veg Food Outside Eateries To Be Banned In Delhi!

Where | New Delhi

A civic body in Delhi recently put forth a resolution to ban the display of non-veg food items outside eateries! Claiming that it hurts the sentiments of vegetarians & hygiene – eateries might soon be banned from displaying said pictures.

The resolution was passed and seconded mostly for eateries in South Delhi. The resolution approved in the last house of SDMC will come for final confirmation on January 3!

An official claimed that “It has been observed that shops displaying non-veg outside their premises attracts dogs and raise hygiene issue. Besides, it is also about hurting the sentiments of people who are vegetarian,”

This could mean that eateries will not be allowed to display things like Chicken Tikka, Tandoori Chicken outside their premises.

You can read more about this here.

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