Intern With Multinationals @ Hansraj College’s Biggest Internship Fair Of 2017!
Hansraj College, one of Delhi University’s biggest institutions is bringing 2017’s biggest internship fair! For all those who wish to intern with the big shots of various industries, this fair is a must go! Internships in today’s day & age has become synonymous with having good marks & a great resume! But now more than ever the world has shifted its gaze. Most big institutions are now employing somebody with industry knowledge, than someone who only has good marks!
30 Second Window:
- MarkUs, The Marketing Society of Hansraj College & The Placement Cell, bring to you The Internship Fair 2017!
- Students present at the fair will get the chance to connect with corporate, startups, non-profit organisations & government employers who are looking for undergraduates.
- The fair will have something to offer to everyone, whether your dream is to work with big multinationals or state owned enterprises or government departments! Hansraj is offering an interview with a long list of industry leaders!
DforDelhi Recommends:
- That you lose that winter morning laziness, get your game faces on & sit for the various interviews that the fair has to offer!
So, get yourselves registered here ASAP!
When: 17th February
Where: Hansraj College
Timings: 10:00 am – 01:00 pm