Here’s How You Can Earn INR 40,000 As Pocket Money At Auto Expo’18!!

Sitting at home, nothing to do? Planning a secret birthday or frat party but low on funds? Well, guess what?

This humble portal is offering a chance to earn INR 40,000 in a week!! And at what cost? Absolutely zero!! That’s right! All you have to do is pick up your lazy bum and head for an interview to Crew4Events!


Crew4Events is a city-based portal that gives smart, confident people (generally, college students) an offer they can’t refuse!! An opportunity of a lifetime! In this case – working as a host or model with the biggest automobile brands in the world at Auto Expo 2018!! You could be the lucky few to work with BMW, Skoda, Suzuki, Hyundai and more.

So, girls!! Before it gets too late, we suggest you to register with them quickly!! Here are a few conditions you might have to look into though – you should be smart, confident, at least 5 feet 6 inches tall and between 18 to 25 years old!

It’s a wonderful chance for the ones who like glitz and glamour or the ones who would like to enter the fashion world. We have also heard, that there are many famous celebrities who started their career with this company, during their college days. It’s a wonderful platform to groom yourself and get exposure while making some quick money.

So, don’t miss your chance!!

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