Be The Change You Want To See In The World With Select Citywalk!!

Select Citywalk, Delhi’s most loved shopping & entertainment destination recently joined hands with South Delhi Municipal Corporation toward building a more sustainable development of the city! We live in a world that is currently witnessing a paradigm shift in the security and development of various cities. And Select Citywalk is taking this high road toward building a better world for the next generation to enjoy! With a firm belief in ‘charity begins at home’ the centre took responsibility of a neglected land. And now, the ground – Jamunwala Park – is hugely popular with the residents living around it. In fact,  it has also become a retreat for people to relax and enjoy the cool breeze. Both early in the morning and in the evening!

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Check out this cool photo story we put together for you to understand what the park is about and how the inauguration went!

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In the meanwhile, do check out Select Citywalk’s Facebook page for more information & updates!

Where: Press Enclave Marg, New Colony, Khirki Extension, Malviya Nagar