Keventers Is Opening Up At This Metro Station And We’re So Stoked To Drink A Few Milkshakes!
Do you ever feel the need to just chug a big glass of milkshake while on your way to work or classes? Keventers is launching its newest outlet in a metro station and we’re so stoked for its grand opening! Out of this world milkshakes – Keventers sells 4 delicious variants. Thick Shakes, Classic Shakes, Fruity Shakes and the popular, The Original Milkshake.
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Dive into a wide variety of exceptionally tasty shakes to choose from! And no, it won’t burn a hole in your pocket.
Keventers has two size variants; small and large. We usually choose the large, obviously. Small is just not enough! But, of course, we get another shake shortly after finishing the first.
- Did we wake you from your slumber? You betcha! No sleeping anymore. Keventer recently launched its warm chocolate milkshake; it will get you jumping with bursts of energy and milky goodness.
- But what we cannot miss out here are – Choco Chip, Kit Kat, Classic Butterscotch, Alphonso Mango and Bubblegum! This small list, we tell you, is the best there is out here. The Kit Kat is loved, drunk in big fat glasses and always ordered 5 times at least!
- Now, that’s saying something, don’t you think? Besides, who wouldn’t love bingeing on world class milkshakes after a good night’s sleep? Or after a hearty meal at work or post classes! These milkshakes you must gulp down or just look sadly across and watch others hog on it.
- Still, can’t figure out what you want? How about a few glasses of The Original Milkshake? They even deliver this delicious wonder!
DforDelhi Recommends:
- And strongly suggests a large glass or two of the Kit Kat! It sure is the best way to kick off the day, so why not grab one your way back home too?
And in the meanwhile, you can check out their Facebook page for more information here.
Location | Akshardham Metro Station
And Pay | INR 200
Featured Image | DforDelhi