‘Catch Up’ With Friends & Family At The Greatest Carnival Ever!


When was the last time you spent quality time with your family or caught up with an old friend from school? Life goes in different directions and we seem to forget the important people who gave us the support to get through life at different phases. If you’ve been looking for opportunities to catch up with them, we have some amazing news for you! The Let’s Catch Up Carnival at Cyber Hub is the new shiz!

What To Expect At The Carnival?

Do you remember going to magic shows and circuses when you were young? Got tingly feels when you watched the greatest showman? This is your opportunity to experience it all over again. With a lineup of magic shows, clowns, acrobats, comedy shows, and all things carnival, the show is about to give you a larger than life experience. An added experience of games like ping pong toss, bottle up, tic tac toe will surprise you!

What goes without saying is that there will be some amazing food and drinks to get you going and keep your energy levels always high.

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What You’ll Love About The Carnival?

The organizers say that if you don’t have any regrets in life, missing this carnival will add 1 to the list! Being able to vouch for a hit show is a huge thing. The best part about this carnival is that it lasts for 3 whole days filled with fun, shows, moments to share, food to binge and so much more! Another amazing thing about this is that it is for all age groups! Bring your kids, family, friends, or Valentine, it will be an amazing experience.

Apart from all the awesomeness we just spoke about, there will also be pre-event flash mobs at Cyber Hub happening today and tomorrow! So if you’re around, make sure you catch a small trailer of the festivities about to come.

Bottom Line

The bottom line is that you will regret missing out on this amazing opportunity to catch up with friends and family.

When | 14th to 16th Feb

Where | DLF Cyber Hub

Location | Click Here

Entry | Free

Cover Image | Source

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