Metro Covers More Than Earth’s Circumference Daily & Reduces Pollution By 6,30,000 Tonnes Annually!

You wouldn’t believe this fun fact unless we gave figures. So, here’s what you need to know! Delhi Metro – on an average – travels a total of 69,000 k.m.s daily, with over 20 lakh commuters using the fastest way of getting around town. Now, to put things into perspective. The Earth’s circumference is approximately 40, 075 k.m.s! We couldn’t feel anymore proud of the fact that while also making headlines, Delhi Metro is saving countless lives & providing innumerable job opportunities! How, you ask? Scroll down & check out why we’re so proud of our Delhi Metro!

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In the meanwhile, keep yourself updated with us on more fun facts about the DMRC. You can also read our blog post on the new Pink Line here. And get yourself accustomed to the new line connecting East Delhi with South Delhi!

Sneak Peak | The Pink Line, we hear a part of the new phase is going to start soon!