Moving Into A PG? Here is All You Need To Know

The opportunity of going to college and the excitement that comes along with it are both experiences that teenagers cannot miss. The plus sides are endless, but numero uno is hands down the chance to move out of your sheltered house and into the abyss of adulthood and finding your own path by sataying in a PG.Most colleges have their own accommodations and hostels for the students who come from other cities and countries.But

These are very limited, and a lot of students are left looking for homes. Therefore, Paying Guest accommodations come to the rescue of many students, who find it cheaper and a lot more feasible.

Beware though, for there are a lot of things that could go haywire for the students if a few things aren’t kept in mind to avoid any legal messes later.


This one is a definite basic, yet some people do agree to stay without it due to lack of options. Don’t do that. Make sure you get an agreement and verify all the clauses in it to guarantee yourself at least a year of peaceful home stay.


Though some would say this is a mandate, it legally isn’t. Once you’re an adult, you don’t really require any local guardians especially at a PG.


Get your police verification done before any issues threaten your peace, since this one is an overlooked mandate!


Sometimes, people do run PGs without having the proper licensing and authorization to do so. Avoid being raided and thrown out by the police and verify this with paperwork from your landlord beforehand.


While you should serve a month’s notice prior to vacating, at no point can your landlord refuse to return your security deposit. If that should happen, you ought to file a legal suit and reclaim your deposit at all costs.


Keep these simple things in mind, alongside choosing the best roommate you possibly could of course! – and take that beautiful first step into the most adventurous chapter of your life.