Did You Hear? MUJI Is Opening Shortly @ Select Citywalk!!

Its been almost a year since it was announced that MUJI has plans to open its store in Delhi. What we didn’t expect at the time or possibly didn’t realise was how big the company – as a brand – is. Perhaps ‘reading on’ will make it clear what they’re about. How their business has grown & why you should visit the ‘soon to open’ store!

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The Company is based on three core principles, which remains unchanged to date:

DforDelhi Recommends:

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Their tagline for all customers?

“Don’t say, I really want this. Just say, this will do”

And while many might not agree with MUJI, their (unchanged) goal remains –  ‘sweep away that slight dissatisfaction & raise the level of response ‘this will do’ to one filled with clarity & confidence.

When: Opening Shortly

Where: Select Citywalk