If you’re avoiding looking at your bank statement, too afraid you’ve blown up this months salary or worried you won’t be able to pull out the big stops for a mid-week date with your significant other? Social says, don’t sweat it.
This Wednesday and Thursday on Nehru Place Social, you are going to get so incredibly lucky – go on a date with Rs. 114 in your pocket or just treat your friends with Rs. 228.
The fourth Social gives you three simple reasons to come to its all new outpost at Epicuria Mall, Nehru Place.
- Best-selling drinks at Rs. 19
- Signature Social food at Rs. 19
- Social merchandise for your home at Rs. 19
As Social (pin code – 110019) took its pin code a little too seriously, come over with enough change for Social’s first 2-day special deal. To spice things up and sweeten the deal (at the same time), everything at Nehru Place Social will be sold at a flat rate of Rs. 19!
Stalls for the weekend:
For the thirsty – Beer, Banta, Trip on the Drip, shots and mocktails
For the hungry – Chaat Stall, Paos & Baos, Baida Roti, Candy Floss and Fruit Trifle
For the quirky – Shot glasses, toilet paper rolls, #paani glasses, coasters and chopsticks
Dates – Wednesday – 25th May and Thursday – 26th May
Location : R1, Upper Ground Floor, Epicuria Food Mall, Nehru Place, New Delhi – 110019