Landfill To Be Eco Park? Okhla To Get A Whole New Avatar!

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A more greener and brighter approach to the landfill of Okhla, where the festering garbage mountain is all set to refurbish soon. The South Delhi Municipal Corporation (SDMC) has already ‘greened’ a part of Okhla landfill and the work is on to cover the other side of the site. After it’s done the overused site will be turned into an eco-park.

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The daunting task for the authorities is to water the green area taken into operation, where they are planning to install a pipeline from the Okhla waste water treatment plant and treated effluent water will be used to maintain the greenery. The civic body has the option to carry out bio-mining, or the extraction of minerals to turn the site into the park.

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Hello! To a more greener and more healthier environs near you.

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