Got A Talent To Flaunt To The World? Talenttatoo Is Your Ultimate Go-To Platform

Know It All In 30 Seconds

Hola! All talented peeps! Get ready to showcase your skills to the world ‘coz there’s this new out-of-the-box talent promotion platform called talenttatoo that’s gearing up to take your talent to the next level.  This quirky talent discovery platform is all set to roll out amah-zing contests in a slew of categories like singing, dancing, storytelling, short-film making, cooking, fashion, photography, rapping and many more.

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What To Expect?

The talenttatoo website is already live, with its first contest window (Singing Competition) opening up on 12th July. You can turn up at, register yourself and upload your talent video. Don’t forget to ask your friends, families, colleagues and everyone you’re acquainted with to vote for you. Voting is the only thing that will take you ahead in the competition. And yes! Voting is gonna happen from the entire nation. So, you gotta be really good at your performance.

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What You’ll Love?

You’ll be able to flaunt your skills from anywhere and at any time. Sit back at the comfort of your home, put your video on talenttatoo and wait for the votes. Videos with the highest votes will go to the jury who will pick up the winners. The top winners will bag exciting prices. Once you’re at talenttatoo, oodles of opportunities will be opening up for you. Here are the steps to participate in the upcoming singing contest:

  1. Register on  and create your profile.
  2. Go to the LIVE contest 
  3. Upload your video 
  4. Try to get maximum no. of votes

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Bottom Line

If you’ve got the talent to be the next singing star, get ready to grab the fame and win millions of hearts!

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