Rs 1 lakh Reward for Delhi’s Serial Dog Killer !

Two NGOs working against animal cruelty have announced Rs 1 lakh reward for any information about a man who killed a one-month-old puppy and critically injured four other dogs at Green Park Metro Station.


A video showing the man dressed in shorts and a jacket with knife in his hands is trending on social media. The six minute video was uploaded by one of the NGOs named Fauna Police on Sunday afternoon. The incident took place on Tuesday night. The other NGO that announced the award is named Humane Society International. In the video, we can see the killer standing on the stairs of the Metro Station. He could be seen stabbing the puppy named Brownie and then throwing him down the stairs. The killer took nearly 18 minutes to kill Brownie and stab the other dogs. The Police has not been very helpful in this situation. Even though the face of the man could be seen clearly in the footage, the Police has taken no action against the man. Because of this, the NGOs had no option but to offer this reward so that the person could be identified and proper action could be taken against him.

Animal cruelty is prevented under section 11 (1) of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, the maximum punishment being a fine of Rs 50. If the accused is booked under sections 428, 429 of the IPC, the punishment is a jail term that can extend to five years. The NGOs have tried to make the Police involved but they have emerged indifferent to the situation. On Sunday afternoon, hours after the video went on social media, the Police finally decided to take some action. According to the DCP, they have printed out photographs of the accused and are trying to locate him. NGOs are suspecting that the accused could be a serial killer because they have received report of another dog’s murder a day after Brownie was killed. Many admitted that rising number of stray dogs have become a problem in that neighborhood but no one supports this inhumane and brutal act of killing innocent animals.