She’s Mercedes. She Makes Things Happen!

Mercedes-Benz stands for the best or nothing – a notion that was originally embodied by visionary automotive pioneer Bertha Benz. She was not only the wife of Karl Benz, but she was also his inspiration and business partner.
At Mercedes, it is believed that the power of inspired minds can effect excellence. She’s Mercedes is the canvas of this idea: an Inspiration Circle; a place where women can connect and exchange ideas, share experiences and learn from one another; a hub for sparking conversation, offering new perspectives and supporting ambitions.

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She’s Mercedes is a platform dedicated to inspiring, connecting and empowering women to unleash their best. She’s Mercedes consists of networking events, a print magazine and this digital hub. Embedded in a mix of formats, exceptional women from different fields and industries give their personal insights into topics all around business and private life, as well as how to successfully balance the two.
The primary aim of She’s Mercedes was to create awareness about women empowerment. On the 28th of October, the She’s Mercedes team conducted one of their networking events at TNT Motors Gurgaon. Women were invited from all over the city to test drive Mercedes cars and talk about their lives and how they have felt empowered.

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Women are in the process of effecting radical social change. They are doing this boldly, confidently and in solidarity. We are also witnessing the dawning of a new era for women.

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