Food Milkshake New in Town This Breakfast Place In Satyaniketan Makes Yummy Mini Pancakes! Aisha WahabSeptember 20, 2018September 20, 2018 If you love having yummy and fluffy pancakes you’d absolutely love this new place in Satya Niketan. And you’ll no… Spread the love
Coffee Events Food Lifestyle Music Shopping Travel Hang Out With The Quirkiest House In Khan Market For Some Breakfast Brunch! Aditya SinghJanuary 19, 2017 Last year we told you about The Chatter House in Khan Market & their breakfast menu. Well they’re back with… Spread the love
Food Lifestyle Travel Beer Cafe Unleashes Its Breakfast Menu For The Weekend Grub Aditya SinghDecember 13, 2016 Beer Cafe, India’s largest alco-bev chain, houses over 50 different types of beer from across 18 countries. The chain has… Spread the love