2019 is still 3 days old and everyone’s planning to start over. It’s all about struggling to stick to your New Year resolution which can be tough, especially the going-to-the-gym pact. This Yoga programme is all you need to get back in shape with a healthy mind.
What To Expect?
So, if you are someone who wants to get all fit and fine then this yoga workshop is going to get fine and fine physically and mentally as well. The workshop by The Art Of Living is a week-long yoga class that focuses on poster alignment, weight loss and inner peace.
What You’ll Love?
Well, who wouldn’t love a better version of themselves in just a week of yoga? Yes, that’s true. This spiritual enriching experience is any day better than cramps and muscle tear from your gym. The programme includes meditation and relaxation as well.
When I 4th January – 11th January 2019
Where I Ekatra Yoga Studio, H-36 Masjid Moth, Greater Kailash – 3
Tickets I Book Here
Cover Image Courtesy I Source