Imagine being able to speak in more than one language fluently! While many of you might have had a foreign language course in your school or college, for the rest of you who always wanted to be able to speak French, or say Spanish, here is a list of 5 places in Delhi, where you can join language courses this summer!
Jawaharlal Nehru Academy of Foreign Languages
Alliance Francaise
Found in1884 in Paris, Alliance Francaise is a non-profit organisation. It aims to promote French language and culture around the world. In 2014, the Alliance had 850 centers in 137 countries, on five continents.
Instituto Hispania
The Instituto Hispania was founded in 1997 with the mission to promote Spanish language and culture in the country. It is registered under the Indian Registration Act. The society is affiliated with Spain’s Ministry of Education which makes them eligible to conduct International Certifications for language enthusiasts who wish to test their knowledge of Spanish at an international level.
World Languages Center
It is the perfect hub for excellent training in foreign languages. They offer tailor-made courses in English, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Italian, Korean, and Arabic, with a special focus on language and comprehensive grammar.
Max Meuller Bhawan
The Max Mueller Bhavan is the best-known center in the city for German courses. In addition to general language courses covering all levels for adults and teens. The Institute offers several extensive and intensive courses in the German language to its students.
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