Check Out Amama On Instagram For The Best Handcrafted Jewellery And Lifestyle Products


If you are all about home-grown brands, then get your phones out now and check out Amama on Instagram for the best-handcrafted jewellery and lifestyle products.

What’s more? Their cutesy goodies also make-up for the perfect gifts for the festive season

Amama- What to expect?

Amama means Amma in Telugu. Amama is curating best of jewellery from every part of the world and trying to invoke every feeling that comes when you see or hear about jewellery.

Amama- What you’ll love?

There are a whole lot of things on their website that is going to make you feel like splurge this festive season! But some of the things that you have really got to look out for are:

  • Tassle Hangings
  • Embroidered Hoop Frame

  • Floor Cushions
  • Ear rings
  • Necklaces
  • Bracelets

And More.

Bottom Line

From wall hangings to quirky jewellery, Amama is the answer to everything.

Check out their website to find out more!

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