This Delhite Has Created A Phone App To Solve All Your Communication Problems!

Connecting with each other, today, is all about how quickly and efficiently you can get your message across to people, whether it be friends or people who wish to teach! Lately, connecting with people has become a need more than an infatuation. And BigLife (the application) aims to solve all your communication problems!


30 Second Window:

  • Let’s take a look at a problem – how often do we people, active 24X7, to help us with our quries? If you have, say, 200 friends on your social media channels, how often will those people be able to help you with your every day questions?
  • BigLife, while functioning on the same lines as Quora, is a community based application. It allows users to ask & answer various questions that come to our mind on a daily basis! Now, the app allows you to shorten your audience using various filters like age!
  • Suppose, you’re a startup founder in the nascent stages of social media promotion. What better way to communicate the USP of your company with the world but with an application that allows you to freely interact with the public and other users.
  • All of this can be done anonymously, which means that your privacy rights are kept intact. Now, that’s a great way to cummincate your thoughts, queries, promotion & tons of other things on one single platform!

DforDelhi Recommends:

  • That you download this awesome new app on your android phones & check out the latest features available! We’re sure that in the next few months BigLife will become a ‘BIG’ thing!
  • And that you kick start your days with maybe a thought or quote that you feel needs to be answered or discussed!

You can find the application on Play Store here. And you can also check out its Facebook page and its website!

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