Freak Shake Lovers! Coffee By Di Bella Is Coming To Town Soon!

Coffee By Di Bella

Coffee & freashakes lovers are in for a surprise. Coffee By Di Bella, the international brand based out of Australia is finally setting foot into Delhi after a colossal success in Mumbai. The brand is known for its freak shakes & waffles that people just cannot get enough of.


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Waffles For Thought:

  • Coffee By Di Bella, originally an Australian brand, opened its doors to India with 11 stores in Mumbai. And the brand is now ready to expand to Delhi (by 2017) & we can’t wait for them to arrive!
  • Their menu includes a variety of waffles along with 20 different top(ping) options ranging from nutella maple syrup & whipped cream!
  • Now that is something to look forward to, don’t you think? There are so many flavours that we cannot stop thinking about all the fun we could have in their stores!
  • Other than waffles, they’ve also got various Freak Shakes that look & taste delicious!! On offer will be a variety of toppings such as waffles, ice cream, pretzels & chocolate chips among others!

Its hard enough to write on such matters & drool while searching for pictures. Now, it’s getting even harder to control our dessert love now that you know too! We can’t wait for the Delhi outlet to open & to see you guys there as well!

Meal For Two:  INR 650 (approximately)

Where: We know too much

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