Delhi… Your Commute Is Going To Get Costlier!

After last year’s Metro fare hike, Delhiites may soon have to shell out more to commute in autorickshaws, grameen sewas, and metro feeder buses. The Delhi government which has opposed the metro fare hike, constituted a nine-member committee on last Friday to make recommendations to revise auto fares that was last revisited five years ago.

Besides considering rising fuel and maintenance costs, as well as inflation, the committee will also keep in mind time spend by autos in traffic jams. This means that not only base fare and subsequent rates, but waiting charges, which take into account time taken to cover a distance may also go up.

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The panel will also look into the demands for fare revision of other modes of commute, such as minibusses and metro feeders, maxi cabs, grameen sewas, phat-phat, and eco-friendly sewa vehicles.

Even though most unions are opposing the fare revision in the fear that people might shift to app-based cabs, the Delhi government is forcing a hike after opposing the fare hike for Delhi Metro.

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So Delhiites, brace yourself. You might have to soon shell out more money to go from point A to B!

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