Delhi Streets To Be Patrolled By 300 Pollution Sensors This Winter


This winter the government plans to keep the pollution level in the national capital in check.

At least 300 mobile sensors will ‘move’ around Delhi’s streets this winter. This will be done to keep a tab on the city’s deteriorating air quality, caused mostly by vehicular emissions on busy roads and intersections.

These low-cost pollution sensors will be developed and installed by a team of scientists from IIT-Delhi and Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology. They will be installed on 300 buses belonging to the Delhi Integrated Multi-Modal Transit System Limited (DIMTS).

A second team of scientists from IIT-Kanpur will analyse the data to find out how and on which roads vehicular emission was pushing up pollution levels.

These sensors will be in addition to the 38 automatic air quality monitoring stations and 10 manual stations already been set up by the Central Pollution Control Board, Delhi Pollution Control Committee and SAFAR in Delhi.

The palm-sized low-cost sensors will able to indicate the level of particulate matter– the primary pollutants in Delhi’s air—and come fitted with cameras through which scientists will be able to see what kinds of vehicles are nearby.

Inbuilt GPS devices will tell scientists from which location the pollution data is coming so that they can identify the most polluted roads of Delhi.

The pilot project, which would be carried out between November 2018 and February 2019, is being funded by the department of science and technology.

The five sensors that would be installed in October will be used mainly to train bus drivers on the do and don’ts that could hamper the reading.

Let’s hope for a pollution-free winter this year!

Read the full story here.

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