While we still hadn’t recovered from the news that recorded music will be banned in pubs in Delhi, in the latest development, Delhi Government stated that recorded music is NOT banned! Too much confusion right?!

The circular by the Delhi Excise Department said, ‘It is reiterated that the L-17 licensee is permitted only to have live singing/playing of instruments by professionals within his licensed premises. Violation of these rules shall lead to strict action as per law.”
To this the excise commissioner reacted by saying that the circular only said ”live singing/playing of instruments by professionals”, but nowhere did it mention that recorded music was banned. WHAT!
He further said that no action will be taken against places found playing recorded music.
The move was made after the Delhi excise department received a number of complaints from local residents regarding ”nuisance” created by several restro-bars in the city, with their loud music!
Looks like you don’t have to cancel those Friday night party plans after all, right!
Read the whole story here.
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