Republic Day Rehearsals Begin In Full Swing: Everything You Need To Know

It’s almost mid-January and we are about to welcome the 70th Republic Day with the ritualistic celebrations at Rajpath. Republic Day is one day where every Indian feels one and the sense of patriotism binds each and every one of us. Either glued to the T.V screens or jumping up the seats to get a second of footage in the camera, every Delhiite has a special place for the Republic Day Parade in their hearts since childhood.

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But, its true when they say that it’s the practice that makes a man perfect. The perfectly coordinated parade and the numerous dance sequence that we see comes with months of rehearsals. The rehearsals for this year’s Republic Parade has started in full-swing at Rajpath and would conclude on 24th January. If you are someone who would love to watch the parade and won’t attend the republic day parade on the 26th, then Rajpath is where you head to before it’s time.

What To Expect?

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The Navy tableau at the Republic Day celebrations will showcase models of the state-of-the-art assets such as MiG-29K multi-role fighter aircraft, a Kolkata-class ship, and a Kalvari-class submarine. There’d be Camel Mounted Border Security Force Contingent marches,  A 144- Strong marching contingent fronted by a Naval Officer and 3 Sub- Lieutenants will also walk down the path. What’s different is the Assam Rifle Women Soldiers marching with their heads held high and Tanks like T-90 ‘BHISHMA’ will also be seen during the Rehearsal at Rajpath.

There’s a lot to look out for at this year’s Republic Day Parade. Catch the contingents in action, taking breaks and all the fun that the T.V doesn’t show.

When I Starts at 5:30 am

Where I Rajpath, Central Secretariat, New Delhi.

Cover Image Courtesy I Source

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