Have You Registered For SRCC’s Internship Fair On 10’Feb Yet?


In a world where global brands hire students straight out of college, SRCC, is bringing 2017’s most awaited internship fair! Choose from various companies that will be coming to the fair & sit down for their interview rounds with your game faces on. On offer are internships with global & Indian enterprises. So, ask yourself a simple question. Am I the only person left in my group of friends who still has not finalised an internship? If so, head to SRCC in your best formal clothes & with your CV updated & looking great as ever!

30 Second Window:

  • SRCC will be hosting the internship fair under the aegis of its Entrepreneurship Development Cell. EDC has been trying to build entrepreneurial skills in students in an attempt to create awareness about the rising tide of start ups in India.
  • The aim of the event is to create a knowledge base & teach required skills to students. The Cell aims to make students understand the paradigm shift in the Indian economy through internships at some of the best companies based in India!
  • Choose wisely. Several companies will be coming to the fair in order to select the cream from each department! So, choose your internship program in a way that you is conducive with your future plans!


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DforDelhi Recommends:

  • That you get your game faces on, take out those formal clothes from them overflowing closets & head to DU’s biggest internship fair!
  • That you de-clutter your mind & select an internship opportunity that promises to bode well with your plans. So, if at all you wish to launch your own start or work in a multinational company, choose wisely.

Internships go a long way towards building the required knowledge base towards creating a better world for thyself!

So, get yourself registered here.

When: 10th February

Where: Shri Ram College of Commerce, North Campus

Timings: 10:00 am – 04:00 pm

Requirement: Formal Clothes & CV

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