Watch Oscar Award Winning Movies Like Interstellar Under The Starlight! Best Movie Marathon Ever!

Know-It-All In 30 Seconds

Sunset Cinema Club is hosting you this weekend with its classic movie screening event. This weekend is Oscar Special! They’re screening academy award winning movies like Juno and Interstellar! Nolan’s movie under the open sky? Ohh yeahh! Read on for the deets!

What To Expect?

With the winters coming to an end, this might be your last chance to sit out in the open and enjoy a movie before the harsh summer takes over our air! Sunset Cinema Club is hosting you to a weekend full of Oscar award-winning movies that will take you on a journey! Big screen, Comfy seating, food and beverages, and the open sky!

What You’ll Love?

The best part about this week’s screening is the lineup! We can’t be more excited about this! Here are the day wise details:

Friday – 22nd  – Juno
Saturday – 23rd – Interstellar
Sunday – 24th – The Grand Budapest Hotel

Grab your bae and a couple of blankets and head to the venue for some extra cuddly movie time!

When | 22-23 Feb

Time | 7 PM to 10 PM

Venue | Scc Peepal Tree

Location | Click Here 

Tickets | Click Here

Cover Image | Source

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