Are you the kind of person who loves throwing house parties? Or are you someone who loves attending cool parties? Well, we have something REALLY exciting for you guys! We understand that planning and organising a house party or an event can be a task. Be it choosing a suitable place, the financial aspect or the time involved. Hence, there’s a networking community called Scoot that will fix you up an AMAZING time, we promise!

Scoot – What To Expect?
- An ‘Airbnb’ for home-hosted events!
- Curates themed house parties and meetups. ( A fun and an old-school way to meet new people!)
- A party to attend every week!
- You can either attend or HOST a house party.
- Nominal entry fees
- Food and drinks on the house! (What’s better than this?!)
- A GREAT time with like-minded peeps, worth every single minute!

How Does It Work?
- First, Scoot comes up with a party idea
- Shares the event on social media!
- Host hunting begins! (Gotta have a place to party, right?)
- Scoot coordinates with the host for booze and ofc, food (pre-requisites, guys.)
- House guests can also bring their own
- Everyone is intimated with the deets!
- Lastly, it’s time for some PARTYYYING!

What Do We Like?
- A completely NEW approach to partying!
- A place to connect with like-minded individuals.
- Themed parties FTW! ( Be it gaming parties, BBQ parties, dancing parties, et al)
- Definitely a much feasible way of partying!
Bottom Line
Scoot gives us a hassle-free, as well as a fun way of meeting interesting people (who are as crazy as you), in the comfort of a house party!
Check out their social media handles and website for upcoming parties around Delhi NCR!
A little party never hurt anyone.
Facebook | Scoot
Instagram |
Website | Scoot