Woahh! This 76 Years Old Auto Driver Runs Delhi’s Only ‘Auto Ambulance’

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Accidents and mishaps are a constant on Delhi’s roads and we all have been a victim of such accidents in the city. Haven’t we? So to help the needy and the victims, Harvinder Singh, a 76 years old auto driver runs perhaps the only auto ambulance in the city. Read on to know more!

auto ambulance delhi

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Harvinder Singh has been saving hundreds of lives in Delhi and on average he saves one life a day. He helps the road accident victims for free and also provides them with free medication. He also works extra hours to make some money so that he could refuel his vehicle. WOWW!

auto ambulance delhi

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It is also said that he keeps a donation box in the auto and doesn’t his passengers for money. He buys medicines aad other essentials from the donated money. In so many cases, people die on the road just because they didn’t get timely help. We think this man is doing an amazing job and hats off to him!

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