Adopting a dog alone will not change the world but it most certainly will change the world of the adopted dogs & their new parents! By engaging the participating guests in a meet & greet dogs, puppies, this event in Delhi hopes to provide many a homeless pooch a loving home! One of the most loved shopping hubs in Delhi- NCR, SELECT CITY WALK, SAKET in association with ‘People For Animals’ is coming together to host the 5th season of ‘Cause 4 the Paws’.
30 Second Window:
- Cause 4 The Paws is an annual adoption drive for dogs that were abandoned by their owners.
- The major aim of this event is to find lovable homes for 22 dogs from ‘Sanjay Gandhi Animal Care Centre’ and ‘Fauna Police’.
- These dogs are a mix of popular breeds like Pugs, Beagles, Black Labradors, German Shepherds, Spitz, Rottweiler and our very own desi dogs.
- The occasion will be graced by Smt. Maneka Gandhi, Union Cabinet Minister for Women & Child Development and active animal rights activist.
- The event received an amazing response in the past 4 seasons and we’re hoping it’ll be a success this year too.
DforDelhi Recommends:
- Since everyone deserves a second chance, we hope these dogs will find an affectionate home and you’ll find your best friend. So, let’s adopt this weekend!
When | 2nd and 3rd September ’17
Where | Select City Walk, Saket
Time | 4p.m to 8p.m