Cars & busses of Delhi will not be allowed to enter Connaught Place starting February as mandated by the Central Government. The new order passed by the Centre will come into effect starting February & will last for 3 months!
30 Second Window:
- The order falls directly under the provisions of the Smart City project.
- Cars & busses will not be allowed to enter the middle & inner circles of Delhi’s premiere marketplace.
- In accordance with the regulations of the project, the pilot run will come into effect from February & will last a full 3 month tenure.
- To curb the traffic jams & any other mishaps, the Central Government has arranged for over 4,000 alternate parking spaces. In fact, some of these spaces will also offer ‘park & ride’ services.
DforDelhi Recommends:
- That you start car pooling with someone to work. It won’t help much, but if the government is trying to reduce pollution & other ecological issues, then we must also do our part!
- That you park your cars at the nearest metro station from your homes & travel in the Delhi Metro to work. Bit by bit & step by step, we can all contribute to the bettering of our society!
And guess what? News channels show that Delhi’s pollution level has reduced to 392. Now, we are nobody to brag but that’s some progress, don’t you think? So, join hands to make Delhi a better city, even if it means making a few sacrifices!
Where: Connaught Place