Delhi Is All Set To Get An Exclusive Elevated Cycle Track And A Pedestrian Walkaway

Cycle Track

The ministry of road transport and highways is now eyeing a project that will help thousands of fitness enthusiast in and around Delhi. They have approved a project- an elevated one of its kind Cycle Track.

The cycle track will be constructed on a proposed highway from Akshardham in Delhi to Baghpat and Saharanpur in Uttar Pradesh via the Loni border.

Cycle Track
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The project comes in motion because the authorities want to avoid any environmental hurdle that might come in the way of Yamuna bed. NHAI has pitched in the idea of constructing this cycle track and pedestrian walkways vertically above the highway. 

This track will also have the provision of vertical gardens. 

Cycle Track
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While this is a first for India, our neighbour, China has the world’s largest elevated cycle track that is 7 km in length.

Delhi already has a plenty of cycle tracks that were constructed during CWG, however, during peak hours, this lane merges with the vehicular traffic with many bikers and autos trying to ride on it. posing a great risk to pedestrians

Now it is for us to find out how well this plan works!

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