Delhi To Get Free Wifi And CCTV Surveillance All Throughout The City

In the era of the Internet, isn’t it annoying to see internet signals zero as you step out of your home? How to book a cab or google a specific location? There’s no choice but to ask a friend to turn on their mobile hotspot. The poor internet agony is soon gonna shoo away as Delhi is all set to get a blanket of free wifi throughout the city by this year. What else? CCTV surveillance to keep a tab on every nook and corner of the city.

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Being a girl in Delhi, late-night walks on the street can be fearful. But not anymore. The CCTV cameras will help you feel more secure and make your parents more relaxed about your safety. ₹ 500 crores have been proposed in the budget for installation of approximately 1.4 lakh CCTVs in the entire city.

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Hoping to see a safer and more tech-savvy Delhi in the coming days. But don’t forget to keep yourself and others safe while you’re enjoying the perks of having free wifi outside the home.

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