The 11th Year of Delhi Pride Parade is About to Happen!!

pride parade

India recently legalized love and removed the section 377 from IPC. But the Delhi Queer pride parade has been happening since 2008 in support of the LGBTQ community. This year is the 11th year of the pride parade and since it is not a criminal offense anymore to love who you want to, the celebration is going to rocket high.

Since 2008, the Delhi Queer Pride Committee organizes a parade on the last Sunday of every November. Even though there were only a bunch of supporters, in the beginning, the numbers increased rapidly when people started realizing how important it is to have the freedom to love!

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What To Expect Before The Event? 

Before the parade takes place every year, participants and enthusiasts gather on the preceding Sunday for a potluck and make posters and placards to display at the parade. The Placard picnic happens at Lodhi gardens and the organizers provide all materials you would need to make a beautiful poster! All you have to do is bring yourself a mat to sit on, a couple of friends if you want and some food to share with lovely people.  More Information about the picnic is available on the event page.

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What You’ll Love About The Event? 

The Delhi Queer Pride Parade is a celebration of love and that is all you will love about it! All around you, people dressed in their best, confident, colorful, and painting the town in colors of the rainbow!

Bottom Line 

If you support the LQBTQ community, want to join in the celebrations and believe in freedom to love, you need to check out the pride parade!

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When | 25th November; Sunday

Where | Tolstoy Marg, CP

Google Maps | Click Here

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