Delhi Will Utilise 3 New Ways To Battle Pollution, Cheggit

Delhi Will Utilise 3 New Ways To Battle Pollution, Cheggit

The rising pollution in Delhi is unmissable. However, Delhi will soon be utilising 3 new ways to battle pollution! In fact, they will probably come into use when winter hits Delhi and the pollution level dips to abysmal levels.

So, what are these three different methods?

1. Pariyayantra

Pariyayantra is basically an air filter. It can be mounted on the roofs of vehicles. In fact, air needs to simply pass through the holes of the machine for it to work.

According to sources, at least 30 such devices will be installed on buses. However, it’ll only be on a trial basis.


WAYU is short for Wind Augmentation and Air Purifying Unit. Supposedly the machine cleans the air in 3 different ways:

  • By removing particulate matter.
  • Breaking down toxic pollutants such as carbon monoxide etc.
  • And as the machine sucks in air, it also creates turbulence in the air to further help.

54 units will be available in 5 different intersections across Delhi. These include – ITO, Anand Vihar, Shadipur, Bhikalji Cama Place & Wazirpur.

3. Dust Suppressants

So, the government plans on battling dust by taking up a massive project. The dust suppressants used will add magnesium chloride with cement and dust to suppress them. This method can suppress dust by at least 8-10 hours.

Moreover, this method will be utilised in at least 3 different construction and demolition sites.

Additionally, we too should contribute to suppressing pollution in Delhi. And you can read more on this here.

Cover Image Courtesy | The CSR Journal

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