Great News! Delhi’s First Tower Parking To Go Fully Functional By October

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Delhi is soon to boast of a cutting-edge construction ‘coz the city’s first tower parking will be coming up at Green Park in the next 3 months. The two-towered parking lot will have 16 levels in each tower and it will accommodate a total of 136 cars.

DforDelhi Tower Parking

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SDMC officials have notified that the first tower is on the verge of completion, while the base for the second tower is under development. This parking tower will take up a space of just 878 square metres while accommodating more cars than conventional parking spaces. This, in turn, will largely aid in flouting parking congestions.

DforDelhi Tower Parking Delhi Green Park

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You can soon have the aerial view of the city, sitting inside your own car, while keeping all parking hassles at bay.

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