Hail Storms & Snowfalls Come to An End. Here’s Reality. It’s Warming Up. Can You Feel it?

Know-It-All In 30 Seconds

Enjoy it while it lasts, because here’s some bad bad news! Yesterday, was the warmest day of February ever. EVER. Let that sink in! Let reality hit you a little harder. Read on to know how bad we screwed up!

What’s It All About?

Yesterday, on the 21st of February, the mercury hit a whopping  27 degrees. That is four notches above the season’s average. According to the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD), the maximum temperature was recorded at 27.8 degrees Celsius on Thursday, while the minimum temperature was recorded at 13.2 degrees Celsius, four notches above the season’s average.

Both the maximum and minimum temperatures are set to drop at least over the next two days. The minimum temperature on Tuesday was recorded at 12 degrees Celsius while the maximum temperature was 25 degrees Celsius.

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If this doesn’t make you realize why the hail storms and snowfalls aren’t “good news”, then we don’t know what will. Maybe a natural calamity? Oh, we had that too. A Magnitude 4.0 earthquake was recorded in parts of UP and tremors were felt in Delhi too.

Too much bad news in the morning? We’re sorry, but the reality is often disappointing. All we can do is hope we don’t catch bad heat strokes this summer and stay hydrated, apart from the obvious thing of doing our bit towards the planet we call home!

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