The internet is flooded with #MeToo movement for the past 2 weeks almost. The movement started with an actress raising her voice against harassment. Since then the movement, #MeToo has spread like forest fire.

Here in Delhi, be it the young or the old, everyone is raising their voice against sexual harassment. And not just women, even men have stood up and shared their horrific experiences. Time Of India asked a couple of them what made them speak up and what challenges they went through.
One person said, “any woman who has written #MeToo has to be regarded with great respect.”
Anwesh Sahoo, Mr Gay India 2016 said, “I hope someday I can speak about it openly and name the person.”
Shehla Kitty Kalra, a fitness expert said, “Every woman has been through it and the trauma does not fade away.”
Many have regarded the #MeToo as not just a movement, but as a wake-up call for everyone!
Read more from here.
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