Let’s Turn Back Time And Look At India’s Most Inclusive Nightclub!

In a country where even after the legalization of love, there are stereotypes and biases for the minorities, there is a glimmering hope of light that shines. Kitty Su – a nightclub at The Lalit, know as India’s most inclusive nightclub has been the support system and been standing for the LGBTQ+ and other minority groups since the past 7 years and counting.

Targeted at the creation of an inclusive society, over the course of its seven-year journey, Kitty Su has evolved into something bigger than just a luxurious club that is known for its parties and high profile private events.

The Journey

Kitty Su is known to come up with something new every year and 2018 was no different. After establishing itself as one of the top 100 nightclubs in the world (International Nightlife Association), they went on to change the face of the music scene, introducing and bringing international House and Techno sounds to the country. Amidst the regular havoc, the #PureLove and #Inclusivity campaign pushed Kitty Su as a brand beyond boundaries.

The #PureLove campaign ( started in 2016 ) at Kitty Su let the world knew that their doors and hearts are always open to everyone. Nobody is discriminated on the basis of caste, creed, gender, sexuality, or where they come from. At Kitty Su, it’s all about Pure Love, Inclusivity, and Diversity.

Under the umbrella of #PureLove, Kitty Su went a step ahead and hosted a plethora of gigs for different communities like the northeast community and the like. The month of June was also dedicated to women in the industry. Women DJs from all over the world brought their talents to Kitty Su. The age-old art of drag performances is also preserved with all its glory. 6 International Drag Queens and a Drag KING in 2018 made an appearance at Kitty Su.

In August 2018, Kitty Su celebrated its 7 year anniversary and incidentally 10 days after their anniversary,  India was painted in the colors of the rainbow. The section ‘777’ was created by them on the anniversary to celebrate inclusivity.

Present Day

Presently, Kitty Su is India’s most inclusive nightclub with its offsets in multiple cities and a stand where no other nightclub is. It has become more than just a venue for partying.  It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to call it a ‘MOVEMENT’ now.

Bottom Line

We’re about to ring into the new year, and counting down to the D-day has never been so much fun, especially because we ’re ringing in the new year at Kitty Su. This NYE, step away from your regular party scene and enter a new world! Because trust us, it gets better as the night progresses!
Get your tickets from Here.

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