While Delhi Police is already taking up initiatives to make Delhi a safer city on grounds, Gurgaon Police has come up with something to make the city safe virtually as well.
Victims of cybercrimes and cyber-bullying need not worry now because Gurgaon Police has set up their first cyber crime police station and it is up and running!

The police station was inaugurated on Wednesday by Gurugram Metropolitan Development Authority (GMDA) CEO V Umashankar and city police commissioner Sandeep Khirwar.
The new cyber police station is located in DLF-5 and will have up to 35 personnel, including trained officers trained in handling cyber crime, and will be headed by inspector Anand Kumar, who was the in-charge of the cyber cell.
Cyber crimes have been on the rise in the city since past few years. For effective investigation of cyber crimes, the city police have also procured sophisticated machines for analysis of data obtained from mobiles, phones, laptops, and computers.
Gurgaon police have procured Edash forensic machine system for data analysis, including those on Whatsapp and other social media sites, right blockers, and Belkasoft Software for mobile data analysis, call detail analyzers and portable machines equipped with crime analysis software.
The police station has got a modern infrastructure meant for visitors to the police station, investigating officers and also a conference room for meetings. It also has a lock-up for criminals.
Kudos to Gurgaon Police for their effort to curb cybercrime.
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