National Ice Skating Championship Is Happening In iSKATE, Gurgaon!

Ice Skating

The National Ice Skating Championships that takes place in Shimla most of times is now coming to Delhi. Due to low snow fall & rising temperature in Shimla the Championship has been shifted to Delhi instead, in our very own iSKATE in Gurgaon!

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  • The Championship will be held in Delhi on January 5th & 6th. In fact, the first day has started already at iSKATE in Gurgaon.
  • Due to low snowfall & rising temperature in Shimla, the Championship was shifted to Delhi. The conditions in the Delhi rink are perfect for ice skating. iSKATE provides the ideal conditions required by master skaters to perform some amazing tricks & flicks on the icy floor.
  • The rink is about 4 0r 5 inches thick which is ideal for ice skaters & is mandated round the globe. Each pair of shoe costs about 40 grand. So, you can imagine the details that go into that perfect waltz jump!
  • The competition will have over 300 participants with sessions starting as early as 07:00 am to 11:30 am & as late as, 08:30 pm to 11:30 pm. Guests can watch as the performers showcase some cool figure skating tricks!

When: 5th January – 6th January

Where: iSKATE, Gurgaon

For Directions: Click Here

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