Can’t Buy New Cars Or Bikes Without Proof Of Parking!

Proof Of Parking

Attention all buyers of cars & bikes, you may need to show proof of parking along with the rest of the information while buying a vehicle. The Union Government announced the new policy on Thursday. Which, if implemented, will require buyers to prove that they have official space to park their respective vehicles.

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  • Sources said that existing building bylaws & parking norms may need to be tweaked.
  • The rule will likely make a significant dent in the annual increase of private car sales.
  • Many experts lauded the plan but informed that the rule will face various execution challenges.
  • The Centre will need to amend the motor vehicles’ law, & accordingly work out pending parliamentary approvals.
  • The amendment aims to address the issue of road safety & improve the process for citizens to deal with transport departments.
  • Once the law is amended & notified, its implementation will fall on civic agencies & transport departments of state government.
  • Government officials have also warned that implementation will not be easy since a third of Delhiā€™s population lives in unauthorised colonies.
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