Where | Select CITYWALK, Saket, New Delhi
Dates | 4th to 8th, 13th to 15th and 16th to 18 October’17
Time | 12:00 pm onward
Diwali is one of the most awaited festivals in India and especially in Delhi. Since the festival is just around the corner, the entire city is coming together gearing up for the festival. Select CITYWALK is bringing to you one crazy pre-Diwali celebration! Wanna know the deets?
I. Select CITYWALK has a lot lined up for you this month. There are 3 stores that opened yesterday – Mango (re-launch), Decor Kart and Shaze.
II. And their most awaited Diwali Bazar, full of fashion and lifestyle exhibitions will be starting from 4th to 8th October.
III. DIYA FEST: All For A Cause will take place from 16th to 18th October’17. The great part about this festival is that tons of NGOs will be joining hands to sell diya and candles. Participating NGOs for the event are – National Association for Blind, Delhi Cheshire House, ILCA and HCRA. The fest will take place in the amphitheatre – one beautiful big canopy.
IV. And our personal favourite – Asian Hawkers Market will take place from 13th to 15th October’17.
Come, guys! Let’s get into the spirit of festivity and celebration!
Facebook Page | https://www.facebook.com/selectcitywalkdelhi/