3 Reasons Why RJs Naved & Raunac’s First Co-Hosted Show Changed Your Mornings!

Where | Delhi

One of the biggest surprises of 2017 was the co-hosted radio show of RJs Raunac and Naved! And you wouldn’t believe what all these two peppy characters had in store for us. Let us give you a hint! Through the radio show, they basically made all your mornings the best you’ve experienced in a while. And who would have thought that it would meet such resounding success! But who brought these two guys together? *thinking*

Still thinking? Quaker Oats – the healthiest and the best breakfast you can get your hands on made it possible! Yes, the very people who showed us why breakfasts are so important brought these two guys together. And we’re just losing our minds over all the witty jokes, the famous songs and the important nutrition tips they gave us!

I. First Of Its Kind Co-Hosted Show

For the very first time, two RJs co-hosted a 4-hour long radio show. A radio show that brought together interesting, engaging and enriching moments. Few of which were full of doses of laughter, love for music and conversations about nutrition – the linchpin for that perfect, healthy life!

II. Sachin’s Feature On The Show And His Secret Behind Those Perfect Innings

The show featured the Master Blaster who spoke about his will to win and his determination to keep pushing forward! He specifically talked about the significance nutrition played in his 24 year long cricketing innings. And why it is important for people to enjoy and eat healthy breakfast for that perfect start to mornings!

III. So, What Is This Perfect Meal That Everyone Is Gushing About?

Quaker Oats launched its newest productQuaker Oats+Milk a while back!! A meal that is truly the best and healthiest option you can find in your homes. Created using state-of-the-art technology that made oats+milk a soluble product, the breakfast option creates the perfect blend using the goodness of milk and the strength of fibres! Just the way our two favourite RJs of Delhi Naved and Raunac complement each other.

So, what are you waiting for? Go grab your pack of the healthiest food option there is in town right now!

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