Food Best Japanese Restaurants In Delhi Kanik JunejaNovember 9, 2015January 8, 2016 Sushi isn’t a dish you’d come across at any food joint in Delhi. It’s an exotic indulgence you must try… Spread the love
Food Travel Bread N More: More Punjabi Bagh: A new destination for the sweet tooth in West Delhi Kanik JunejaOctober 25, 2015 Bread and More Punjabi Bagh, is a charming little bakery located in the main market of Club Road, North… Spread the love
Food Travel Review : Tabula Beach Cafe Kanik JunejaOctober 6, 2015October 6, 2015 Tabula Beach Cafe, located in Asian Games Village and isn’t hard to reach. A plus and a minus point of… Spread the love