One of our favourite cafes in South Delhi is celebrating its 2 year anniversary and they’re giving some really good deals! Imagine celebrating your parties this Tuesday with free beer, sangria and cocktails. Now, without blinking an eye just start jumping on your beds because female coyote dancers are taking over town!
30 Second Window:
- Tabula Beach is giving a free multitude of beer and the best part? Tabula Beach is launching a new list of beers that they will be presenting on Tuesday!
- A jaw dropping group of coyote performers all the way from Europe will be performing on this very night. So ladies, dress up as coyote n funk it up with cool accessories and be the best-dressed person you can be!
- White Rhino beer, a delicious list of cocktails and a chill session of Sangrias is coming your way! The night will also feature some really cool live acts, hip hop sessions and of course, something Delhi has never seen before!
DforDelhi Recommends:
- That you carry a Valid ID Proof, entry is only for couples and mixed groups!
- Also, before we forget – the free drinks is for ladies! So, you there lady, did you weekly wish just come true? We think so!
Don’t forget to check out the Facebook event page for more information here.
Location | Tabula Beach, Khel Gaon Marg
When | 22nd August, Tuesday