Have You Tried “To Be Healthy” Products Yet ?

to be healthy

You know its summer when you’re covered in sweat, frustrated from within and looking for the coldest food to eat. At the same time though, you’re looking for the best ways to remain healthy, avoid a tan and maintain your fitness all while juggling a job and a social life. So how do you do it?

Tbh, we just chilled and had a juice.

Seriously! To Be Healthy is definitely out to bust the myth that juices aren’t so good for your health. The best cold pressed juices you can lay your hands on; they’re honestly just refreshingly delicious. Taking the classic flavours along with some incredibly exotic ones – not only do they give you that cool burst you’re thirsting for but also cleanse and benefit your body at the same time.

But what else bothers you about summers? Donning those adorable or simply sexy swimsuits obviously require a body that’s toned. Why give up taste and food that you love to achieve that though? Simply browse through TBH’s collection of super foods and gorge yourself to happiness and health at the same time.

What you see on the bottle is exactly what you get, all freshly made just for you. What we love the most is obviously the fact that it’s not all diet charts or rigorous routines to be followed to the T. They make health fun and scrumptious at the same time! What’s not to like?

A few of their best flavours are definitely

  • Classic Watermelon Juice

Get that fruity flavor with this refreshing dose of watermelon combined with just the right amount of minty essence. It eases your digestion, ups your hydration and is basically a tasty treat to go along with your breakfast!


to be healthy


  • Citrus Punch Juice

It’s got the A, B, C’s of Vitamins and is designed to revitalize those dying skin cells. Whether you were merely craving a tangy twist or needed a little rejuvenation post those hectic summer workouts – a bottle of this and you’re good to go!

to be healthy


  • Summer Cooler Juice

It’s enough to just hear about oranges and cucumbers to make that summer heat just dissipate. Add to that the sweetness of pineapple and a sprig of mint and your body is all set! Swap those sodas with a bottle of this deliciously cool juice and watch the wonders it works on your body.

to be healthy

  • Celery Almond Milk

We love this beautiful amalgamation of almond milk and celery to give you nutrition and taste. The cinnamon gives it an exotic twist and gives us milk that actually leaves us craving for more.

to be healthy


  • Chia Pudding

It tastes just as amazing as it sounds. Available in different flavours, it makes you beautiful both inside and out. The pudding does everything from boost your immunity to your hair health and the toppings are basically powerhouses for your body. The perfect mid meal snack.

to be healthy

It’s obviously too hot to step out without getting dehydrated and just too boring to sit indoors. So armed with an arsenal of the healthiest and most delicious juices you could find – go conquer that summer and make it your own!

Do get your Tbh products at 8882300200 or www.tobehealthy.me

Find them on Facebook, here


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