Buying Car Accessories At Traffic Signals Can Cost You A Rs1000 Fine!

How many of you roll down your car window at traffic signals to buy car accessories from a hawker or the rear seat of your car have a DVD screen for your child?

The Motor Vehicles Act classifies all these activities as traffic violations that carry on-the-spot fines up to Rs 1,000 or even a court challan.

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But since many of these little-known offences, they are overlooked by the traffic police or are difficult to prosecute. Thus, most people are unaware of these laws.

A look at the list of traffic offences includes several activities that motorists are unaware of. For example, driving without a wiper carries a fine of Rs 100 for the first offence and Rs 300 for any repeat violation; and if his speed gauge on the car is not working, the violator may even have to appear in court.

According to Piyush Tewari, founder of the NGO SaveLife Foundation, which works for road safety, some of these ignored offences lead to serious accidents.

Traffic police officers said they have started prosecuting cars with DVD screens in front because the sound from the video tends to distract the driver.

Similarly, the traffic police believe that the hawkers and beggars slow the traffic and even cause accidents and thus, find it important to stop and prosecute them.

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